I’m delighted to announce that I’ll be reading from the “Moon in Splinters” at the Magic Theater’s Virgin Play Festival, which holds staged readings of “compelling new works from emerging and mid-career playwrights.”

I’ll be reading at a pre-performance “salon” in conjunction with a new play by Joshua Harmon (Bad Jews, Significant Others, Admissions, Skintight) called “Prayer for the French Republic” that explores many of the same themes as “Splinters.”

Here’s what Magic has to say about Prayer for the French Republic, directed by David Cromer:
“Moving fluidly within the past and present of five generations of the Benhamou family, Prayer for the French Republic illustrates the history of trauma and prejudice embedded within the Jewish identity. What does home look like in a world that hates? When will we admit that we, as a global society, have not come nearly as far as we thought?”

Those of you who saw “Bad Jews” at the Magic know how this acclaimed and talented playwright puts us in uncomfortable places while we belly-laugh. Please join!!