Anne Whiteside’s fascination with French-British relations began at the kitchen table with her French mother and British father. After a long career teaching and writing for academia, she’s written her first book of literary non-fiction, with support from a Hedgebrook writers’ residency. The Moon in Splinters tells the story of her uncle, a British spy in the French resistance.

In a previous life she’s been a National Writing Project Fellow and Fulbright scholar; worked with teachers in the US, Algeria, and Mexico; lectured in Spain, the UK and Ireland. Her doctoral study, “We are the Explorers” (educational linguistics U.C. Berkeley), published by VDM in 2008, looked at language practices of Yucatec Maya-speaking immigrants in California.

In the 1980s she started a literacy program for Spanish-speaking adults, taught ESL at City College of San Francisco for many years, composition at U.C. Berkeley, and applied linguistics at the Universidad de Oriente, Yucatan, Mexico and San Francisco State University. Her edited volume, with James Simpson, on adult language education and migration came out in 2013.

photo: Najib Joe Hakim